Artificial Intelligence in Learning Management: A Transformative Force Unleashed

concept image of elearning LMS platform using artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as the next transformative technology since the internet, and its impact is being felt across various industries, including learning management. In just 16 months since the release of ChatGPT in October 2022, major companies, software providers, and technology firms are actively exploring how AI can revolutionize their business operations and interactions with customers, employees, partners, and more.

The recent Brandon Hall HCM Excellence 2024 conference served as a platform for organizations across the industry to discuss the impacts of AI and its future applications. While many sessions had an AI focus, others referred to its impacts, and attendees were eager to learn more about its potential. 

Brad Watt, CLO for Colgate-Palmolive, reminded attendees that AI technology is still relatively new, and organizations are only beginning to establish governance teams, centers of excellence, and boundaries around its use. Nonetheless, the conference facilitated the exchange of valuable information.

Currently, AI is being used in three primary ways in the elearning industry. Let’s take a look at each of them.

Generative AI

This technology is accelerating the creation of learning content by automating tasks, improving content quality, and making the life of the L&D department more efficient. There are high hopes of reducing costs related to content development and maintenance by up to 90%.

Dynamic Skill Mapping

AI is proving to be a valuable tool in the development of dynamic skill maps, which help organizations understand the skills needed for specific positions and the relationships between them. This enables Learning and Development teams and HR organizations to gain better insights into their employees’ skill sets.

Customized Learning Paths/Plans

By combining dynamic skill maps with employees’ training histories and aspirations, AI can generate customized learning plans. This personalized approach to learning has been a long-standing objective of training programs — but it has often fallen short due to the complexity of analysis and effort required to create them.

AI is making a significant impact in the training technology space. Its real promise lies in its ability to tackle complex data-driven problems that will be used to inform, drive, and optimize training programs going forward. In short, AI will be a great tool for L&D managers who need to optimize their training while controlling costs along the way.

The Brandon Hall HCM conference provided a valuable forum to share ideas and gain insights into the early adoption and long-term trajectory of AI in the learning management space. As the use of AI continues to evolve, we will continue to share our thoughts on its impact and potential applications in the training management space.

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