
Jeff Walter
concept of extended enterprise training
Extended enterprise training provides training to external stakeholders who are critical to your business operations. Not every LMS is built for the extended enterprise.
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image of 5 stars on a blue background with a finger pointing on the 5th star | The 4 Pillars of High-Impact Training Programs
Your training program can provide a strategic advantage that moves your organization into the future. Follow this roadmap for a high-impact training program.
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extended enterprise training
Understanding the challenges of partner training can help you choose an LMS that optimizes training effectiveness and reduces administrative costs
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engineer instructing a young apprentice | closing the global skill gap
As the global skill gap continues to grow, a lifelong learning portal provides a unique opportunity to attract new talent and upskill existing skilled staff
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line of job applicants | Leverage Learning Assets to Improve Your Recruiting Pipeline
The global skill gap makes it hard to find qualified talent, but your training program’s learning assets can help improve your recruiting pipeline
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warehouse manager with workers | closing the skills gap
The global skills gap among technicians is growing rapidly, but there’s a solution that most employers haven’t used — former technicians
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close-up photo of a vehicle technician holding a wrench | does the global skill gap threaten skilled labor
Industries impacted by the skill gap aren’t finding employees with the skills to perform the job. This widening gap threatens the future of skilled labor.
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Ask a training manager what the Return On Investment (ROI) is on their Learning Management System (LMS) and you might hear them struggling for an answer. They might say, “Well, learning is good.”
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